Dear employees, dear business partners,
JOKARI not only stands for high-quality stripping solutions 100% Made in Germany. The identity of our company depends just as much on, how we treat each other and our business partners. The JOKARI Code of Conduct therefore formulates binding guidelines for all our actions. A violation of the Code of Conduct may affect our company, our harm employees and our partners and take legal action lead. Compliance with the principles described in this Code of Conduct, we therefore require not only JOKARI internally, but also for all business partners with whom we work.
Thank you for your help!
Carsten Bünnigmann
Managing Director JOKARI GmbH & Co. KG
The JOKARI Code of Conduct defines our responsibilities and the behaviors that we expect from our employees in order to achieve a constructive and to ensure a productive working environment that underpins our core values and beliefs. He leads and supports our employees into make the right decisions and to do the right thing.
JOKARI is committed to acting lawfully and pursues ethical principles. We do not participate in any criminal acts and tolerate them neither.
The basics of our entrepreneurial activities are based on respect, trust and honesty. In the interest of compliance with our Code of Conduct, any of us has been stopped, known or suspected of violating the principles and contents of this Code of Conduct as well as against applicable laws of the JOKARI management to report.
In all areas and levels of our activities, we adhere to the international labour standards of the United Nations International Labour Organization (IAO).
We respect human rights and the principle of equal treatment. We treat others fairly, considerately and with respect. We appreciate all our employees alike and support them in achieving their individual potentials. We expect all our employees to be able to dignity, privacy and personal rights of every human being at all times respect. Under no circumstances, will we tolerate discrimination, bullying or insults.
In our business activities, we are always anxious to human rights violations neither to cause nor indirectly to these contribute. Leave as a participant in numerous global value chains, we rely on our partners and expect them to be committed to human rights and to comply with the associated international labour and social standards. In this context, we support our partners in fulfilling their respective responsibilities in reference to human rights.
We treat environmental protection, safety and health as our greatest asset. From there, we are committed to sustainable action and responsible dealing with natural resources. We not only comply with applicable regulations but optimize in a continuous improvement process our energy and environmental management to reduce our impact on the environment minimize. We also expect our business partners to provide a resource and environmentally friendly provision of their services.
Compliance with occupational health and safety laws and safety regulations is subject to of particular importance. JOKARI ensures a safe and healthy working environment and has established a company health management system for employees. We take conscientious precautions to ensure that accidents and impairments of the health can be avoided. We provide jobs that, of course, the legal requirements for occupational safety, health and safety and working hours and go far beyond that. In addition, we strive
continuous improvements. We create good opportunities for the reconciliation of family and career and promoting a healthy balance between work and leisure.
At JOKARI, we are convinced that we have a long-term and sustainable build relationships with customers, service providers and stakeholders only then and if we act responsibly and fairly. Therefore, confess we strive for open markets and fair competition. We are committed to full compliance with all legal provisions and relevant to us antitrust and competition laws. We do not tolerate anti-competitive agreements with suppliers, customers and other business partners. What to expect, we also receive from our business partners and all other market participants.
We expect our employees and our business partners to fulfil tax obligations. Furthermore, we do not tolerate deliberate aid is committed or requested to evade taxes. We are committed
to combat bribery and corruption in all their manifestations worldwide. We do not participate in any money laundering activities or financing terrorism.
Intellectual property includes intangible assets and proprietary, confidential information. Intellectual property represents a fundamental asset for JOKARI and thus has a considerable economic significance. This can be registered property rights such as patents, but also trademarks, copyrights, designs or business information and secrets, product information, information to research and development or information about customers and suppliers.
JOKARI undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and expects all employees to respect intellectual property rights of third parties in everyday working life.
Physical assets are tangible assets that provide a direct have economic value, such as cash and operating resources, stocks or real estate and land owned by JOKARI condition.
We expect our employees to be responsible for the assets of the take responsibility for the company and protect it from theft, misuse and protect waste. Only authorized persons may provide information about the pass on companies to external parties on behalf of JOKARI.
As part of our daily business activities, we record and process personal data of employees, customers or business partners.
We always treat this data confidentially and with the necessary care. The type and the way we process data, meets the legal requirements at all times, is visible and transparent. We protect personal data from unauthorized access and loss.
Compliance with laws and regulations is an essential basic principle for us for our economic activities. The present Code of Conduct is intended to help to understand our culture and our way of working. Nevertheless, it can be, that employees are confronted with complex situations in which they feel that the Code of Conduct does not give a clear answer. In such a case, we expect the employees concerned to handle the matter with their direct manager. JOKARI assures all employees, who submit a complaint report, against threats, harassment or protect other adverse measures within the company.
We also report to contractual partners at any time on request about the necessary measures to comply with the Code of Conduct.
JOKARI GmbH & Co. KG from Ascheberg-Herbern in Westphalia is the specialist in the production and sale of high-quality precision tools for stripping and stripping of cables and cables of all kinds. Since its foundation more than 50 years ago, the company has relied exclusively on quality “Made in Germany” and produces all stripping and stripping tools in its own tool shop with plastic injection moulding at the Ascheberg headquarters. JOKARI's claim is to meet the requirements of professional customers from trade and industry: They want to strip cable and cable types quickly, precisely, easily and safely and process them for further use – under all conditions. That is why the company bases its product innovations on developments in the technical-commercial sector, for example in automotive or automation technology, in order to always stay up to date and deliver exactly the precision tools that customers demand and need for their activities. In addition, JOKARI offers multimedia, multilingual solutions to provide customers anywhere in the world with quick and easy assistance with all questions relating to the use of the tools. For more information see
Our Commitment to Quality:
Our entire product range has really something for everyone » open product range
Which tool do I need for which kind of cable? » open cable database