What is the difference beween a fine-stranded conductor and a solid, stranded conductor?

According to DIN VDE 0295 / IEC 60228 we distinguish mainly four different conductor classes:

Conductor, solid, Class 1
Made of a single, solid wire, usually copper, which is insulated by a plastic insulation layer. A set of 2 or more conductors form a sheathed multicore cable. Used e. g. in building installation and other surroundings, where a strong and compara- tively rigid cable construction is required.

Conductor, stranded, Class 2
Used for fixed installation purposes, it consists of a number of thinner wires, which are stranded to a string, which is more flexible than a solid conductor.

Conductor, flexible, Class 5
Assembled from a greater number of individual, finer wires, the conductor respectively the final cable are used, whereever the cable needs to be much more flexible, but also a good stability is needed, e. g. to connect fixed equipment like ma- chines, larger household equipment etc to mains.

Conductor, very flexible, Class 6
Built from still finer wires, this conductor type is being used for cables, installed at all movable electrical equipment, e. g. from TV to hair blowers.

In our blog post “Conductor classes for cables and wires” we address this question in more detail.

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