Ø 4 - 15 mm I 5/32“ - 19/32“ max 15 mm 19/32“ Breite
Stripper for round and flat cables. A tool with a various range of applications from building services to industrial use.
Working range:
Round cables 4 – 15mm Ø e.g. energy-, control-, halogenfree installations-, data-, coaxial cables. Flat cables max. 15mm width e.g. YDY, NYM-J.
Extra blade for longitudinal cut. 2 stripping notches with length stop for stripping conductors. The removable length stop is suitable for left and right hand use and can be stored in the tool handle.
Which tool is best to strip that cable professionally? The JOKARI cable database will answer this question. The user enters the available cable type and the database looks for the optimal tool in seconds.
JOKARI has more than 80 stripping tools. Our product finder allows you to quickly identify the tool you are looking for, through a easy selection of tool type and cable type.